Biblical – We teach that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the divinely inspired and authoritative testimony concerning Jesus Christ;
Confessional – We faithfully believe, teach and confess the theology of our historic confessions found in the first Christian confession of faith, the 1530 Book of Concord. This nearly 500 year old confession has stood the test of time precisely because it is a faithful expression of the unerring teaching of the Holy Bible.
Sacramental – Confident that God’s Word bestows exactly what is says (the King speaks and it is done!), St. Andrew's Lutheran stands in continuity with the teaching of the Apostles and the ancient Church extolling the benefits of Holy Baptism, Confession and Absolution, and Holy Communion whenever we gather in name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. With these gifts of Christ’s Word and Sacraments, we experience the real voice of God and the real presence of God.
Liturgical – The Divine Liturgy from the Lutheran Service Book is fully employed here not because it is a preferred style of worship but because it is the means by which God saves, sanctifies and is known in the world. The liturgy is the means by which God speaks and does His saving and sanctifying, but also is present for His people. In other words, the liturgy is God’s specific means of presence and operation within the Church. It is the sum and substance of Word and Sacrament ministry, ministered by God Himself. And because it is so specific, it is so readily identifiable and accessible to people of all ages, even the youngest of children.